
Valley Restorative Justice Society is continually looking for volunteers to serve in various capacities. Volunteers give time, energy and skills to provide valuable and necessary support to the office and to participants in restorative justice processes.

Community representatives are asked to participate in restorative processes in a number of ways. Criminal incidents take many forms. If you have knowledge in a particular area and think you might be able to speak on societal issues, community concerns or various other needs, please feel free to call and discuss your ability to serve as a community member.

As a non-profit organization, Valley Restorative Justice has an active Board of Directors. Meetings are held every two months and we have a virtual option for attendance. We are currently in need of a Treasurer. If you have the ability to read and review bank documents and financial statements, feel free to contact us.

If you see yourself in the following, feel free to contact us about opportunities to volunteer.
  • Concerned about people and communities harmed by criminal incidents
  • Are caring and concerned about those who have caused harm and their reintegration in to the community
  • Are respectful of confidential materials
  • Are non-judgemental and non-directive
  • Are flexible and work well with others
  • Are an active listener
  • Are empathetic and respectful to all, regardless of beliefs and/or values
  • Are relationally-focused
  • Are willing to find forward-focused solutions
  • Are non-adversarial